06 July 2014

I don't believe in coincidences.

Today I arrived in SS only to be told that there was no teacher and asked if I'd like to fill in. I knew what the lesson was supposed to be about, since I read it yesterday, but that was it. But I agreed.

In passing I mentioned how I'd read it and was a bit disappointed to find that the manual had skipped over some really great stories, including Abigail's. There were only 6 of us in the class, and the other members asked if I'd share her story instead.

So it turns out that I actually taught that lesson I was so disappointed not to have. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Perhaps there was someone there who was in need of that message. But since I NEVER read the lessons beforehand, it seems weird that I felt compelled to read it this week. And realizing what it skipped, for me to spend all morning yesterday re-studying that chapter (rather than the lesson) just because I love it. And feeling the need to write a post about it, which helped make sure that I would remember all the important points to draw out.

God is in even the simplest details of our lives, if we just let Him in. I'm grateful that He was able to make use of my personal study today. And I'm grateful for the Spirit I felt during our discussion.

"There are no such things as coincidences. Only miracles in which God wishes to remain anonymous." -Joseph Smith (if I remember correctly)

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