30 September 2013

Me and Mickey

My bishop asked me if my degree was a Mickey Mouse degree. I promptly said, "No." He then clarified and asked if I'd be able to get a job with it. I quickly gave an emphatic, "Yes!"

Not sure if it was my hope or my pride that responded, but either way I'm grateful that my fears didn't have time to speak up. I know without a doubt that this is where I'm meant to be, doing exactly what I'm supposed to do. Now where that will lead, I have NO clue. But the Spirit has led me here on no uncertain terms, and that gives me all the confidence I need to go forward with faith that Heavenly Father really DOES have a plan for me.

So even if it does turn out to be a Mickey Mouse degree, maybe God means for me to work at Disney World. There are worse futures than the most Magical Place On Earth.

1 comment:

  1. you are hilarious and this is awesome. i'm proud of you. this makes me think of... ahem.... all those who have doubted you in the past... and Dana, you know yourself and you definitely know the way the Lord communicates his will to you. If you were sort of a wishy washy person who didn't have a strong testimony or receive personal revelation for your own life on a regular basis... this bishop and all those others might have something to what theyve said... but you are DANA!! So I am just saying that I love and support you and I'm proud of you for knowing who you are and going your own way. Go Mickey!
