21 August 2013


So I am on about round 3 of packing... I knew it wouldn't be easy to cut everything down to 50 lbs, but  let's just say I'm glad I started early. I got to the point where I decided I'd give in and take a second suitcase. Then I looked up the checked baggage allotments for my flight. Well, my ticket says AirFrance, operated by Delta. And they both have different allowances for international flights. And different allowances in between the US and Europe and within Europe. So depending on which rules they decide to enforce for my ticket I could be paying up to $100 for a second bag. I know everything I take is supposed to keep me for a year+, so $100 shouldn't seem out of the question. But I'm cheap. And more importantly, poor. So alas, I'm back to just 50lbs. However I have grudgingly added a carry-on suitcase, which I really had hoped to avoid... but it seems to be the best compromise of all my options... a little more weight and free.

Other than that I'm checking more things off my list everyday. I've gotten rid of two boxes of clothes, removed all the plants from the yard that died in the freeze, deep cleaned about half the house, took family photos, gave in and finally bought a new computer that doesn't crash every 20 min, and have found about 100+ more names for the temple... which I'll probably post about later. I've also been reading like a fiend, going to the library at least twice a week to refresh my supply. And I still have a long to-do list for my internship with WVN. But being so busy has been a great blessing! I don't even have time to think or worry about the reality of what moving to a foreign country will actually be like, let alone going back to school. Good thing, too, or I might psyche myself out! God continues in His goodness and mercies, and I'm grateful He's in all the details of my life!

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