Well this weekend I was able to come to LA for my roommate Joanna's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful! She was gorgeous! And we were happily able to lend some helping hands in taking care of several things. I was able to spend time with Teri and Jeralee, two of my other roommates during the first few days of my stay in LA. We had a blast! Aside from wedding things, we also got to go to Disneyland and California Adventure... for free!! Teri works at Disney World, so she gets a few passes a year to get 3 people in for free. It was awesome and we had such a great time! The consensus: California Screamin' rollercoaster was definitely the best ride out of both parks! By the end of the night though, our feet were achey and our heads were pounding! So we tried to get some good sleep for the wedding the next day.
Out of my 13 roommates that I've had at BYU and BYU-Nauvoo over the last three years, Joanna is only the fourth one to get married... I think that low of a percentage is pretty rare at BYU! But I think the problem is that these girls are just too absolutely incredible for any young man right now... haha. But most of my roommates are some of my best friends that I hope to stay in touch with forever. They have influenced me immensely, and I'm so grateful for all that they have taught me!
The proportion of amazing women is infinitely higher than that of above average men. It's a sad fact of life. :(